Each autumn hunters travel back to the North to encounter the magnificent, powerful and majestic Moose. These large animals will require plenty of knock-down power. By mid-autumn a spring calf will weigh up to 400 pounds(180kgs) while and adult cow can weigh in at up to 800 pounds. At prime an Adult Bull can push 1400 pounds and antlers that stretch to 5 feet.
Hunt of the Moose is a great team hunt as you will need teamwork after a tag is filled. Come join us for Moose hunt with Archery starting mid September and Gun or Rifle ending mid November.
Tree stand at known moose feeding and crossing areas, boat, motor, gas, walk-in cooler and freezer facilities, skinning and packing game out assistance, and guide with knowledge of the hunting area. Accommodations in a Lake side Cottage. We hunt in WMU 40.